200+ CSOs and Trade Unions Submit Comments on the UN Tax Convention Zero Draft Terms of Reference


1 July 2024



1 July 2024


Over 200 organisations and trade unions submitted a joint submission to the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation (FCITC). The submission was made by the Civil Society Finance for Development (CS FfD)’s Tax Justice Workstream which is facilitated by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) and supported by GATJ’s member, the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad).

The full submission with the 228 signatories can be read here.



Find some of the comments made in the submission below:

Overall comments

We welcome the zero draft Terms of Reference (ToR) and find it to be a good basis for negotiations. We believe it covers the main overall components necessary to deliver the fair, ambitious and efficient UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation (FCITC), as foreseen in Resolution 78/230, including objectives, principles, commitments, protocols and key institutions.

The suggested timeline in the zero draft (paragraph 16) properly reflects the urgency of the matter – not least bearing in mind that international tax abuse is costing governments hundreds of billions of dollars in lost tax income every year. The deeply pressing need for public resources, including to fulfill the international commitments related to development, human rights and environmental protection, must make the timely finalization of the FCITC an issue of highest priority.

The zero draft brings the negotiations an important step forward, and allows Member States the basis needed to deliver on the Ad Hoc Committee mandate, namely Resolution 78/230. Some Member States that voted against the resolution at the end of 2023 have subsequently put forward proposals that either fall outside of the scope of the mandate (ex. changing the decision-making rules of the UN General Assembly), or outright go against it (ex. proposals for introducing a narrower scope than contained in the resolution). The Ad Hoc Committee is on a tight timeline to complete its mandate, and the available time should be focused on moving forward towards this aim. Therefore, we welcome the fact that proposals that fall outside of, or go against, the mandate of the Ad Hoc Committee have not been included in the draft ToR for the FCITC.

Regarding decision-making procedures, we welcome a discussion about such procedures under the FCITC as a part of the negotiation of the convention. This issue is usually included within framework conventions under the articles relating to the Conference of the Parties, Amendments and Adoption of protocols. Therefore, we find, and support, that this issue is included in the zero draft.

In the text below, we have outlined our specific inputs. Furthermore, as a summary of our high priority issues, we would like to highlight the following: 


Essential elements to maintain

  • Holistic objectives with clear links the overall goal of sustainable development and fairness of international tax rules;
  • Clear principles, including a principle that links the tax sovereignty of States to the obligation to respect the same right of other States;  
  • Substantive elements. We welcome this section, and believe it should be expanded to cover, at the minimum, all issues mentioned as potential future protocols; 
  • Key tax-related issues, including: 
    • Fair allocation of taxing rights and equitable taxation of multinational enterprises;
    • Effective taxation of high-net worth individuals;
    • Illicit financial flows
    • Ensuring that tax measures contribute to addressing environmental challenges.


Elements that should be added: 

  • The principle of special and differential treatment of developing countries; 
  • The goal of reducing inequalities within and among countries (SDG10);
  • A principle and commitment to promote progressive tax systems, in line with paragraph 22 of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda;  
  • Tax and gender equality to redress the disproportionate tax burden placed on women through regressive/ consumption taxes;
  • Taxation and extractive industries
  • Specific commitments on transparency, including effective and inclusive Automatic Information Exchange, public Beneficial Ownership and asset registers, comprehensive public Country by Country Reporting and public transparency around tax incentives.  
  • Participation of civil society
  • Exploring the option of international tax initiatives as innovative sources of financing for development and environmental protection;
  • Clear links to other key global commitments of States, including those contained in the UNFCCC, CBD, CEDAW, the SDGs and the UN Human Rights Framework, and related commitments to international resource mobilization. 
  • The text relating to human rights should be amended to include all relevant aspects of the issue and included in both the section on principles and commitments. Furthermore, the section on human rights should be detached from the section on “tax payers”, not least since this term includes corporations, which are duty bearers – not rights holders.  


Find the full comments here.



1 11.11.11 Belgium

2 21st Century Community Empowerment for Youth and Women Initiative Nigeria

3 ACT Alliance International

4 Action for Economic Reforms Philippines

5 ActionAid International International

6 ActionAid Vietnam Vietnam

7 Actions des femmes marginalisées pour le Développement “AFMD ASBL” République Démocratique du Congo

8 Active Citizenship Foundation (ACF) Philippines

9 Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN) Cameroun

10 Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) Nigeria / Africa

11 AFRODAD Kenya

12 Aid Organization Bangladesh

13 AidWatch Canada Canada

14 Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party Philippines

15 Aksi! for gender, social and ecological justice Indonesia

16 Alliance Sud Switzerland

17 Alternative Information & Development Centre South Africa

18 Amnesty International International

19 APIT Portugal

20 Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE)

21 Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

22 Aspafrique-Jics Togo

23 Associação Cultural José Martí do RS Brazil

24 Association de Développement Agricole Éducatif et Sanitaire de Mano République Démocratique du Congo

25 Association for Proper Internet Governance (Richard Hill, President) Switzerland

26 Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environnement ANSEN Niger

27 Association pour l’Integration et le Developpement Durable au Burundi (AIDB) Burundi

28 Attac Austria Austria

29 Attac-Deutschland BAG Finanzmärtke & Steuern Germany

30 Attac Finland Finland

31 Bangladesh Krishok Federation Bangladesh

32 BDCSO Bangladesh

33 Bench Marks Foundation Southern Africa

34 Bereg Nature and Environrnent Association Hungary

35 Brot für die Welt Germany


37 Candid Concepts Development Caribbean

38 Center for Economic and Social Rights International

39 Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum – CEHRDF Bangladesh

40 Centre for Environmental Justice Sri Lanka

41 Centre for Trade Policy and Development Zambia

42 Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad – Dejusticia Colombia

43 Centro de Políticas Públicas y Derechos Humanos Perú Equidad Perú9

44 Centro Sociojurídico para la Defensa Terrtorial SIEMBRA Colombia

45 CERDYSOC République Démocratique du Congo

46 Changemaker Norway

47 Christian Aid United Kingdom

48 Christian Aid Ireland Ireland


50 Civil Society SDGs Campaign Zambia Zambia

51 CLADE America Latina y el Caribe

52 CNCD-11.11.11 Belgium

53 CNEO (Center for New Economic Order) Japan

54 Coalición Colombiana por el Derecho a la Educación CCDE Colombia

55 COAST Foundation (EquityBD) Bangladesh

56 Comision Nacional de Enlace Costa Rica

57 Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement – Terre Solidaire France

58 Committee on Fiscal Studies Kenya

59 Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ) Nepal

60 Consejo de Jóvenes dd Oaxaca – México

61 Construisons Ensemble le Monde République Démocratique du Congo

62 Council of Churches in Namibia Namibia

63 Council of Churches in Zambia Zambia

64 CRASH – Coalition for Research and Action for Social Justice and Human Dignity Finland

65 Creatura Think & Do Tank ry Finland

66 Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity (CROSOL) Croatia

67 Daayyaa Generation Network (DGN) Ethiopia

68 Desk for Social Development of ELCRN Namibia

69 Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) Global South

70 Development Impact Pathfinders Initiative Nigeria



73 East African Tax and Governance Network (EATGN) Kenya

74 EcoEquity United States of America

75 Espacio de Trabajo Fiscal para la Equidad Argentina

76 European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) Europe

77 Fair Tax Foundation International

78 Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agriculturl Revampment and Human Rights (FEEDAR & HR) Cameroun

79 Felm (Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission) Finland

80 Feminist Legal Studies Queen’s Ontario, Canada


82 Financial Justice Ireland Ireland

83 Financial Transparency Coalition United Kingdom

84 Finnish Development NGOs Fingo Finland

85 Finnwatch Finland

86 Freedom from Debt Coalition Philippines

87 Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo El Salvador

88 Gender and Economy Research Center NPGE Brazil

89 Gestos (soropositividade, comunicação e gênero) Brazil

90 GFLAC America Latina y el Caribe

91 Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) International

92 Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) International

93 Global Campaign for Education International

94 Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) International

95 Global Peace and Development Organization Liberia10

96 Global Policy Forum Europe Europe

97 Global Redistribution Advocates International

98 Global Rights Nigeria / United States of America

99 Global Social Justice Switzerland

100 Green Action Association Hungary

101 Green Advocates International Liberia

102 Green Liberty Latvia

103 Green Tax Youth Africa Ghana

104 Greenpeace International

105 Groupe de Réflexion et d’Initiative pour l’Avancement de la Grand’Anse (GRIAG) Haiti

106 Growthwatch India

107 Halley Movement Coalition Mauritius

108 HAND Association Hungary

109 HDS Natural systems design science

110 IBON International Global South

111 ICDC- Nepal Nepal, South Asia

112 Ilias Centre Bangladesh

113 Indian Social Action Forum India

114 Indigenous Peoples Global Forum for Sustainable Development (IPGFforSD) International

115 Inesc – Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos Brazil

116 Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) Uganda

117 Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS) Philippines

118 INSAF India

119 Institute for Economic Justice South Africa

120 Instituto ClimaInfo Brazil

121 Instituto Eqüit Brazil

122 Instituto Justiça Fiscal Brazil

123 Intercontinental Network for the promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) Spain

124 International Budget Partnership International

125 International Federation of Social Workers Switzerland

126 International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) Global South

127 Italian Federation Christian Organisations international volunteers Focsiv Italy

128 KFUK-KFUM Global Norway

129 Kopin – Malta Malta

130 Közép-magyarországi Zöld Kör Hungary

131 KRuHA Indonesia

132 KULU-Women and Development (KULU) Denmark

133 Latindadd America Latina y el Caribe

134 LDC Watch International

135 Liana ry Finland

136 Ligue des droits et libertés Cameroun

137 Lumière Synergie pour le Développement Senegal

138 Lutte nationale contre la Pauvreté République Démocratique

du Congo

139 Make Mothers Matter International

140 MATE Argentina

141 Mecanismo Sociedad Civil Desarrollo Sosrenible,Grupoo Tematico z

Migrantes y Ddesplazadas

America Latina y el Caribe

142 Migrant Forum in Asia Asia-Pacific, MENA

143 mines, minerals & PEOPLE (mm&P) India

144 MiningWatch Canada Canada11

145 Misère Option Zéro Togo

146 Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation Malaysia

147 Mothers pride and development initiative Nigeria

148 MY World México México

149 Nash Vek PF Kyrgyzstan

150 National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal Nepal

151 National Society of Conservationists – Friends of the Earth Hungary Hungary

152 NAWO India

153 Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit Germany

154 New Economics Foundation United Kingdom

155 NGO: ADET Togo

156 Nigeria Network of NGOs Nigeria

157 Norwegian Church Aid Norway

158 Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment Norway

159 Oil Change International

United States of America/


160 ONAPED (Organisation Nationale pour la Promotion de l’Education et le



161 Oriang Women’s Movement Inc Philippines


163 Oxfam International

164 Oyu Tolgoi Watch (OT Watch) Mongolia

165 Pakistan Fisher folk forum Pakistan

166 Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee Pakistan

167 Partners In Health International

168 Peace Point Development Foundation-PPDF Nigeria

169 People’s Alternative Studies Center for Research and Education in Social Development (PASCRES) Philippines


171 Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research (PODER) México

172 Public Administration New Initiative NGO Mongolia

173 Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia Indonesia

174 Reacción Climática Bolivia

175 REACHOUT SALONE Sierra Leone

176 Rebrip – Rede Brasileira pela Integração dos Povos Brazil

177 Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe America Latina y el Caribe

178 Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC) México

179 Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary NGO International

180 RENICC Nicaragua / America Latina y el Caribe

181 Réseau Africain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (RAESS) Africa

182 Revolutionary Reparations International

183 Rural Area Development Programme (RADP) Nepal

184 Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) Nepal

185 SA TV Bangladesh

186 Sentro ng mga Nagkakaisa at Progresibong Manggagawa Philippines

187 SKOP (The National Platform of Maltese NGDOs) Malta

188 SocDevJustice Germany

189 Society for International Development (SID)

190 South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) Nepal

191 Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI -Uganda)

192 Spire Norway

193 Stamp Out Poverty United Kingdom

194 Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen (SOMO) Netherlands

195 Sustainable Holistic Development Foundation (SUHODE Foundation) Tanzania12

196 Syndicat Chrétien de Travailleurs du Congo République Démocratique

du Congo

197 Tax and Fiscal Justice -Asia (TAFJA) Asia

198 Tax Justice Alliance – Uganda Uganda

199 Tax Justice Aotearoa New Zealand New Zealand

200 Tax Justice Europe Europe

201 Tax Justice Netherlands Netherlands

202 Tax Justice Network International

203 Tax Justice Network Africa Africa

204 Tax Justice Norway Norway

205 Tax Justice UK United Kingdom

206 TaxEd Alliance International

207 taxmenow – Initiative für Steuergerechtigkeit e.V. Germany, Austria and Switzerland

208 The African Women’s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) Africa

209 The PRAKARSA Indonesia

210 Third World Network International

211 Timorese Association for Progressive Information and Technology (ITP-TL) Timor-Leste

212 Trade Justice Pilipinas Philippines

213 Transparency International Slovenia Slovenia

214 UNAM/Latindadd México

215 Vikas Adhayayan Kendra South Asia


217 War on Want United Kingdom

218 WEED – World Economy, Ecology & Development Germany

219 Wemos Netherlands

220 WomanHealth Philippines Philippines

221 Women for a Change Cameroun

222 Women for Peace and Gender Equality Initiative Nigeria

223 Women Leader Foundation Mongolia

224 Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

225 Youth for Tax Justice Network Africa

226 Zambia Tax Platform Zambia

227 Zimbabwe Coalition on debt and development Zimbabwe


Interesting Articles to Read

9 July 2024
Press Release: 200+ Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions Submit Joint Comments on the Zero Draft ToR
3 July 2024
Communiqué: UN Tax Convention Now! Rewrite the Global Tax Rules to Work for People and the Planet
1 July 2024
Letter: 200+ CSOs and Trade Unions Submit Comments on the UN Tax Convention Zero Draft Terms of Reference
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