Letter to Finance Ministers: Global Economic Architecture Reform to Tackle the Crisis







As a member of the Civil Society Financing for Development (CS FFD) Group, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice endorsed this letter to Finance Ministers that will meet tomorrow (8 September) at the United Nations. The letter reiterates our concerns about the overdue need to reform the global economic and financial structure impeding adequate measures to overcome the crisis induced by the Covid-19 and urges the Finance Ministers to take bold and urgent actions to make this reform a reality and address other systemic issues. 

If national Governments could take, individually and collectively the proper and adequate measures, the COVID-19 pandemic presents us an opportunity to undertake systemic changes and to create the foundation for another socio-economic development model that values people and planet over profit and greed.

As GATJ has been highlighting over the past years, the democratisation of global economic governance requires the participation of every country on an equal footing within the framework of a UN based intergovernmental process. The meeting of the Finance Ministers should serve the facilitation of this process.


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