Meet the new face of GATJ’s Latin American network member!

The Global Alliance for Tax Justice is happy to introduce you to the new composition of its Latin American network member, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (RJF): the Secretariat of the RJF, which was brilliantly held by Peru-based Latindadd for several years, is now headquartered in Argentina, at the SES Foundation, with SES’s Adrián Falco as the new secretary.

RJF’s Assembly, gathered in December in Buenos Aires, also elected the new composition of its Coordination Council, which is now constituted by the following organizations, represented by:
• María Félix Estrada, INIET (Nicaragua)
• Susana Aldana, DECIDAMOS (Paraguay)
• Grazielle David, INESC (Brazil), who is also the co-coordintaor of Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s working group on #TaxJustice and Human Rights.
• Enrique Daza, JUSTICIA TRIBUTARIA (Colombia)
• Jorge Coronado, COMISIÓN NATIONAL DE ENLACE (Costa Rica)
• Luis Moreno, LATINDADD (Regional)
Katiuska King (Ecuador) and Verónica Serafini (DECIDAMOS Paraguay) will assist RJF’s Coordination Council as scientific-technical advisors.

Jorge Coronado and Luis Moreno keep representing RJF at the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Coordination Committee.