Spain: Taxes & Women’s Rights?







Eva Garzón Hernández, Coordinator of the Tax Justice Together project within Oxfam Intermón, wrote a great introductory entry in (des)igualdad, a blog published by Spanish newspaper El Diario, to mark the #Taxjustice for Women’s Rights campaign launch.


“The actual tax system, Garzón Hernández writes, is full of loopholes that lead to disproportionate enrichment of a few multinational corporations and great fortunes, at the expense of public services and policies necessary for Women’s equity. March 8th is approaching, a date that amplifies a constant and global fight for women’s fundamental rights. In this context, the #TaxJustice movement joins with women’s organizations from around the globe to add its voice on their claims, with some very specific demands”.

You can read the full blog entry here.

You can also download here, in English and Spanish, the visual produced by Oxfam Intermón and spread very lrgely thoughout the Oxfam chapters in Spain to mark the #Taxjustice for Women’s Rights campaign launch.

Along with this online presence, many Oxfam shops closed for at least one hour on March 8th, “in solidarity with all women who cannot exercise their rights”, joining the #Womenstrike followed by many men and women worlwide.

If you want to join the campaign, please remember that we provide you with many materials, resources and inpsiration in order to help you plan and organize your accions, on our campaign page

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