TAFJA and APMDD Kick Off the Asia Days of Action for Tax Justice 2023


18 Sep 2023



18 Sep 2023


The Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia (TAFJA) and the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) – members of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) – started this Monday (18/09) the Asia Days of Action for Tax Justice 2023. From 18 to 22 September, members and partners of the two organisations will hold several activities to underscore the urgency of prioritising the needs and rights of people and the planet, and reforming national and global tax systems. 

“We aim to highlight the fundamental role of progressive taxation, wealth redistribution, and reforms in the global tax system as essential tools in tackling the multifaceted crises. We will expose the role that regressive tax policies, rampant tax abuses by corporations and the elite, and a broken international tax system play in the accumulation and concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, and in the historical and continuing transfer of wealth from the Global South to the North”, they highlighted in the concept note


18 to 22 September – Country activities and social media campaigns
TAFJA members and partners are enjoined to participate in a social media campaign and in country activities in Nepal, Pakistan and the Philippines to deliver urgent messages to governments in Asia, the Global South, and around the world. Follow TAFJA on Twitter and Facebook and help spread their messages!

18 September – Open letter to governments and the international community
APMDD will release an open letter and sign-on statement 

22 September – “UN Tax Convention Now: An Urgent Call for Tax Justice”
The state of tax justice in Asia and the road to a UN Tax Convention will be discussed in this online forum, which will look at how offshore tax evasion and other tax abuses by corporations and individuals are affecting the lives of people in Asia. It also aims to amplify civil society demands for tax justice and a more democratic and inclusive global tax body under the auspices of the United Nations. Join online: bit.ly/taxjusticeforu

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