Take Part in the Future of Feminist Tax Justice


14 Sep 2023



14 Sep 2023


Lea este artículo en español


The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)’s Tax and Gender Working Group (TGWG) will hold a workshop on 28 September to explore how future trends in macroeconomy, democracy, climate change and digitalisation are likely to influence the tax and gender playing field in the next five years. The activity is part of the process to develop the working group’s new strategy, and it will be open to the participation of all. 

Through guided thematic reflections, the members of the TGWG will preemptively map out possibilities for the working group to collectively respond to the attendant scenarios, threats and opportunities in its work and upcoming new strategy. Simultaneous interpretation to Spanish and French will be available.


The future of feminist tax justice among shifting global macroeconomy, climate, digitalisation and democracy landscapes

When: Thursday, 28 September, 13:00 – 16:00 UTC
Registration: https://bit.ly/futuresTGWG 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Fariya Mohiuddin, International Budget Partnership (IBP)
  • Flora Sonkin, Society for International Development (SID)
  • Ingrid Brudvig, gender and digital justice researcher
  • Katie Tobin, Women’s Environment and Development Organisation (WEDO)


About the Tax and Gender Working Group

The TGWG was established by GATJ in 2016 as a dedicated platform for its members and committed partners to directly engage in campaign and policy advocacy efforts on tax and gender issues. Its primary objective was to enhance the global integration of organisations working on tax and gender justice, women’s rights organisations, global trade unions, international non-governmental organisations, and civil society organisations.

Over the past years, the TGWG has collectively coordinated seven editions of the Global Days of Actions on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights, as well as the publication of Framing Feminist Taxation volume 1 and volume 2, which provide guidance and recommendations for policy-making and advocacy that can influence and change our current economic and tax systems for a feminist future.

Other milestones of the working group also include the first global convening on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights in Bogotá, in 2017; the Bogotá Declaration on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights; and one edition of a Global Conference on Tax Justice and Gender Equality. In addition to these, working group members have collaborated on a vast array of opinion pieces, policy briefs, workshops, trainings and actively participated in global, regional and national policy spaces amongst which the Commission on the Status of Women, the High Level Political Forum of Sustainable Development (HPLF), and the IMF/World Bank Annual and Spring Meetings.

Register here to be part of the TGWG. 

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