“Global South countries must be involved in the development of the global tax rules.“
On February 13th, 2025, Tax Justice Justice Network Africa (TJNA) Executive Director Chenai Mukumba spoke at the Vatican event organised by PASS and ICRICT on “Tax Justice and Solidarity: Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Common Home”.
Speaking at the Vatican on the need to fix the international tax system to work for all countries, TJNA Executive Director Chenai Mukumba said, “African and Global South countries must be supported to be able to engage in the agenda setting debates and decision-making processes that determine the future of international tax rules. This is the importance of the current conversations on the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. It is not enough for proposals to be simply developed in the Global North, or by institutions in the Global North, that fail to fully represent the diversity of the world’s economies.
We need to ensure that the voices of those who are most affected by this question of tax injustice, African nations and indeed the broader Global South, are heard loud and clear. Only then can we identify genuine proposals and opportunities for a fair international tax system. Only then will we meaningfully reduce inequality and provide the resources to achieve sustainable development.“
See Chenai Mukumba’s full intervention below.
Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a regional tax justice network and member of GATJ. Learn more about the importance of a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation by reading TJNA’s Factsheets here.
More details about the event co-organised by The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) and the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) here.