GATJ Co-Hosts Side Sessions to the Civil Society Policy Forum 2022





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This week, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) will co-organise with member and partner organisations side sessions to the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF). This policy space will take place from 11 to 14 October in Washington D.C., during the World Bank Group – International Monetary Fund (WBG-IMF) Annual Meetings. 

This year, as countries worldwide are facing austerity in the context of debt distress, cost of living hikes, inequality, war, food insecurity and climate emergency, the CSPF has special relevance for GATJ. We come to this space seeking to critically engage the Bretton Woods institutions on their persistent advice towards fiscal consolidation and stringent monetary controls, while eschewing the progressive reforms in domestic and international tax regimes at a time when countries need hefty public spending to safeguard livelihoods and a resilient recovery,” said Âurea Mouzinho, Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator at GATJ, who is representing the organisation in D.C. this week.   

She continued: “The sessions we are co-organising focus primarily on the gendered impacts of WBG-IMF policy and technical advice, in line with the work of our Tax and Gender Working Group, though our interest is much broader. Acknowledging that key decisions on global economic governance take place during the parallel WBG-IMF Annual Meetings, we also look forward to engaging the Fund and the Bank on their critical role crises-making. Together with our allies from across the economic and feminist justice movement, we are hoping to use this forum to upscale the advocacy for fiscal, and particularly tax, policy options that centre rights, justice and wellbeing for people and the planet.” 

The IMF will provide the audience with simultaneous interpretation in French, Spanish and Arabic, which will only be available through the Zoom platform. Please note that some Zoom links are yet to be confirmed. All sessions will be live streamed at: 

Here are the sessions co-sponsored by GATJ and members:


11 OCT | 11:15 – 12:45 EST 

Fit for purpose? IMF gender mainstreaming strategy and taxation approaches during multiple intersecting crises

This session will discuss new research from ActionAid UK on public sector workers and the IMF’s current commitments and approach to gender’s implications for gender equality in view of its new Gender Strategy and research on gendered taxes. Watch it on Zoom


  • Ratna Sahay (IMF)
  • Roos Saalbrink (ActionAid International)
  • Jessica Mandanda (Feminist Macro Alliance Malawi – FEAM)
  • TBC (Public Services International – PSI)

Moderator: Âurea Mouzinho (GATJ)

Organisers: GATJ, ActionAid International, Akina Mama wa Africa, Arab Watch Regional Coalition, Bretton Woods Project, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), Christian Aid, FEAM, FEMNET, Gender Action, International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific), Oxfam International, PSI, Shirakat – Partnership for Development, Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) Uganda, the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, Third World Network, Urgewald, WEDO, Wemos. 


12 OCT | 8:30 – 10:00 EST

Global South feminist perspectives and proposals on accelerating climate finance for countries facing debt crises 

Panellists will present evidence on the need for affordable climate finance that is contextual and applicable to the Global South’s unmitigated debt crisis, climate debt – including the climate finance obligations, and ecological restoration. They will discuss what the WBG can do to bring its Climate Change Action and the broader global finance architecture in line with gender justice, economic justice and climate justice.


  • Dr. Melania Chiponda (FEMNET)
  • Lidy NacPil (Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development – APMDD)
  • Emilia Reyes (Equidad de Género)
  • Luna Miguens (Center for Legal and Social Studies)

Moderator: TBC (Akina Mama wa Afrika)

Organisers: GATJ, Akina Mama wa Afrika, Fundacion Avina, FEMNET, Equidad de Género, APMDD, Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), Hivos


12 OCT | 14:30 – 16:00 EST

Avoiding austerity in a time of compounding crises 


  • Isabel Ortiz (IPD)
  • Matti Kohonen (Financial Transparency Coalition – FTC)
  • Chiara Mariotti (Eurodad)
  • Susana Ruiz (Oxfam)
  • Rodrigo Cerda (IMF)

Moderator: Klelia Guerrero (Latindadd)

Organisers: Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe, Latindadd, Eurodad, IPD, FTC, Oxfam


13 OCT | 11:30 – 12:45 EST

Winds of changes: the future of tax reforms in Latin America


  • José Antonio Ocampo (Ministry of Finance, Colombia)
  • Claudia Sanhueza (Ministry of Finance, Chile)
  • Gabriela Bucher (Oxfam)
  • Joseph Stiglitz (ICRICT)
  • Ilan Goldfajn (IMF)

Moderator: Patricia Arce (EFE Agency)

Organisers: Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe, Latindadd, ICRICT, Oxfam, GI-ESCR. 


13 OCT | 16:30 – 18:00 EST

IFC, Uber and the gig economy: deregulation and labour Flexibilization as a “women’s empowerment” strategy 

This session considers whether IFC gig economy investments are consistent with the Bank’s gender strategy and women’s empowerment. Panellists will examine how gender empowerment claims are central to companies’ positive narratives and discuss relationships between corporations, IFIs, academia, citizens and the state, including issues of accountability, social protection and pinkwashing.


  • Namita Datta (World Bank)
  • Professor Kate Bedford (Birmingham Law School)
  • Alex Campbell (ITUC)
  • Faith Lumonya (Akina Mama Wa Afrika)

Moderator: Âurea Mouzinho (GATJ)

Organisers: Bretton Woods Project and GATJ


The CSPF full programme is available here

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