GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2025: Campaign Programme

The 9th edition of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights (GDOA) takes place from the 7th to 21st March 2025 under the banner “Progressive Taxation for an Inclusive and Just Social Organisation of Care!” More details on the campaign and our 5 demands here.

During the GDOA 2025, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), our regional networks and partner organisations will engage in virtual, hybrid and in-person events. We welcome you to register and engage with all the events on the campaign programme.

GATJ will continue to update the programme in the coming days. Stay tuned!

Friday, 7 March 2025

Campaign launch event – GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2025
Time: 1 – 2:15pm GMT | 9 – 10:15pm PHT | 4 – 5:15pm EAT | 8 – 9:15am PET
  Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona (Keynote speaker, UN), Klelia Guerrero (Latindadd & RJFALC), Chenai Mukumba (TJNA), Tove Maria Ryding (TJ-E & Eurodad), Jeannie Manipon (TAFJA), Maureen Mburu (GATJ), Yamina Ouldali (Moderator, GADN)
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe, Tax Justice Network Africa, Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia, Canadians for Tax Fairness, FACT Coalition, and Tax Justice-Europe
Language: EN, FR, and ES
How to join: (online)

The 2025 GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights will start with an online event gathering representatives from GATJ’s regional networks. Speakers will bring perspectives about the impact of fiscal policies on women in their continents, and share how progressive taxation can support an inclusive and just social organsiation of care.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Photo action for the International Women’s Day
Time: All day
Organisers: GATJ and regional networks
How to join: Post to your social media

Throughout the day on International Women’s Day (IWD), we invite all to join GATJ and our regional members in  a photo action. At an IWD march, with others, or yourself, post a selfie holding a sign reading “Make Taxes Work for Women” or “Progressive Taxation for Care Now!” with a raised arm (like this), bringing your call for tax justice for women’s rights and the hashtags #MakeTaxesWorkForWomen #AccelerateAction & #IWD.

Women’s Day March
Time: 9am -12pm Manila
Oriang, Philippines
How to join:
In person

Oriang will organize a women’s day march intended to bring together at least 1,000 women in Metro Manila, Eastern Visayas, Cebu, Bacolod, and Mindanao, Philippines. It seeks to bring forward campaign demands on tax and gender justice in the care economy.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Parallel event at the UNCSW69: The Human Right to Care in the Beijing +30 Global Commitments
Time: 1:30pm CET
Organisers: PSI, GATJ, GI-ESCR, FEMNET, TJN, CESR, Oxfam, DAWN, ActionAid, Womankind Worldwide
Language: EN, FR, and ES translations available
How to join: (online)

The Rebuilding Social Organisation of Care (RSOC) core group is inviting feminists and social movements worldwide to participate in this online UNCSW69 parallel event which will take stock of the progress made since the Beijing Declaration 30 years ago. The event will chart a way forward on how to accelerate progress in the space of rebuilding the social organisation of care. 

Webinar on Progressive Taxation for an Inclusive and Just Society Part 1
Time: 1-3PM CET | 12-2PM GMT | 3-5pm EAT
Organisers: Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiation Institute (SEATINI)-Uganda 
How to Join 

There is limited inclusiveness in the taxation regime in African Countries, and Uganda in particular. Several tax laws are passed with no or little public consultation which has resulted into increased tax apathy among the citizens who are taxpayers, especially in Uganda. Though progressive taxes are charged on income, the burden of tax compliance among the low-income earners, especially salary earners, is increasing every day due to high cost of living, inflation among others. In the same regime, we have also witnessed continuous awarding of taxes, incentives and exemptions to big companies that are not commensurate with the investment goals being exacerbated by lack of cost-benefit-analysis. Due to the losses from harmful tax incentives and exemption. The government has resorted to the little revenue in the resource envelope to meet other government needs at the expense of service delivery. Critical sectors are experiencing low budget allocation while others are experiencing budget cuts. This has made access to social services, for instance, health care and education more expensive thus fueling injustice in societies. The Objective is to increase awareness among society on the inequitable tax regime in Uganda.

Tax Justice and International Tax Reforms: An Urgent Agenda for Financing Public Policies for Women 
Time: 11:30am NY | 12:30am Brasília | 15:30pm GMT | 16:30pm CET
Organizers: Inesc, Tax Justice Network, Latindadd, RJFALC
Language: English & Portuguese
How to join:

Tax justice is key to tackling gender and racial inequalities at national and international levels. This event will bring together experts, civil society, and women’s movements to propose reforms for fairer tax systems worldwide. In Brazil, the agenda includes income and wealth tax reform and measures to address structural inequalities affecting women, particularly Black and Indigenous women. The country can also play a key role in the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation, generating resources to adequately finance social policies and climate transition initiatives that directly impact women’s lives. 

Thursday, 13 March 2025

World Economic Forum Takeaways: The Future of  International Tax Cooperation
Time: 12-2PM GMT | 3-5pm EAT | 1-3PM CET
Organisers: Akina Mama wa Afrika, FEMNET, MenaFem
Language: EN and FR translation available. 
How to Join: 

The development of a UN Tax Framework Convention presents a key opportunity to reshape global tax governance, but gender and women’s rights issues have been largely sidelined. Advocacy and strategic planning are essential to ensure the framework prioritizes the needs of marginalized communities and promotes transformative justice. This webinar will provide a dedicated space to analyze economic power dynamics, advocate for gender-responsive tax policies, and strengthen regional and national collaboration.

Capacity Building of Civil Society Organisations in Asia for an Effective Advocacy on the UN Tax Convention
Time: 10 AM-5 PM Bangkok Time
Organisers: LDC Watch, SAAPE, The PRAKARSA, Sal Forest, Indonesia Tax Justice Forum, OXFAM in Asia
Language: EN 
How to Join: In person

The event aims to empower CSOs from the Global South to effectively advocate for a UN Tax Convention that promotes progressive taxation, gender equality, climate justice, and human rights. By enhancing their capacity to engage with policymakers, mobilize public support, and influence tax policies, the event seeks to ensure that global tax rules do not perpetuate existing gender disparities but instead contribute to reducing them. The expected outcomes include a more informed and coordinated civil society capable of influencing tax policies to be more equitable and inclusive, thereby contributing to the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality. 

Friday, 14 March 2025

Gender Inclusive and Fair Tax Systems: Towards a Gender-Transformative UN Tax Convention

Time: 1 – 2pm GMT | 9 – 10pm PHT | 4 – 5pm EAT | 8 – 9am PET
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice, TJNA, TJ-E, Eurodad
Language: EN, FR, and ES
How to join: (online)

It is essential that feminist economists and activists seize the opportunity of the negotiations for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation to advocate for the inclusion of gender-transformative action. By exploring the need for gender-transformative provisions in the UN Tax Convention, this webinar will bring together feminists around a critical political advocacy opportunity.

Webinar on Progressive Taxation for an Inclusive and Just Society Part 2
Time: 12-2PM GMT| 3-5pm EAT|1-3PM CET
Organisers: Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiation Institute (SEATINI)-Uganda 
Language: EN
How to Join: 

Develop a brief documentary on Uplifting the citizen’s voice on the link between tax and service delivery. This will involve collecting citizens who are the taxpayer’s voice on the link between tax and service delivery. Most of the time, the citizens are not given the opportunity to share their experiences on most of the contentious issues that affect them. Therefore, a documentary will be developed consisting of the taxpayer’s voice on taxation and the state of service delivery in Uganda.

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Tax Justice And Women’s Empowerment Workshop
Time: 6am-1PM GMT| 9am-4pm EAT|7am-2pm CET
Organisers: Hope Givers Foundation 
How to Join: In person 

The Tax Justice and Women’s Empowerment Workshop aims to raise awareness on how progressive taxation can promote women’s rights and social equity. The activity will engage women, youth, and community leaders to discuss the impact of tax policies on access to essential services, advocating for fair taxation systems that support inclusive economic development and gender equality. The workshop seeks to empower participants with knowledge and inspire collective action towards tax justice in Malawi.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Taking Stock of Tax Justice: 30 years since the Beijing Declaration

Time: 1 – 2pm GMT | 9 – 10pm PHT | 4 – 5pm EAT | 8 – 9am PET
Organisers: GATJ, FEMNET, Akina Mama wa Afrika
Language: EN, FR, and ES translations available
How to join: (online)

This webinar aims to take stock of the state of tax justice for women, reflecting on the achievements and setbacks over the past 30 years since the Beijing Declaration. We will explore how tax policies continue to impact women’s economic justice.

Construyendo un paradigma de cuidados que nos represente
Time: 3pm CET | 9am Lima | 10am Bolivia | 11am Brazil
Organisers: RJFLAC, Latindadd, INESC, TJN
Language: ES, EN, & Portuguese
How to Join

La actividad busca resaltar los procesos de construcción participativa que las organizaciones involucradas han realizado para que las propuestas para espacios regionales y globales alrededor de la distribución social de los cuidados, y la justicia de género en general, representen las demandas de las bases.

CSW69 Side Event: Structural Transformations and Regional Leadership for Women’s Human Rights and Development Justice in the Global South
Time: 5.30-6.45 PM GMT | 7.30-8.45 PM EAT | 5.30-6.45 pm CET| 
Organisers: Government of Nepal, Government of Malaysia, Government of Palau*, UN Women, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD), The African Women’s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET),  Least Developed Countries Watch (LDC Watch)
Language: English
How to Join: In person

This activity aims to critically assess the progress of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) over the past three decades, focusing on the lived experiences of women in the Global South. By addressing systemic challenges such as economic injustice, limited political participation, climate change impacts, and militarism, the initiative seeks to highlight the importance of regional leadership tailored to these unique contexts. Through fostering cross-regional collaborations and sharing best practices, the activity aspires to amplify the collective influence of the Global South, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable global agenda for women’s human rights.

Thursday 20 March 2025

Algunos vínculos entre Justicia Fiscal, Cuidados y Justicia Climática
Time: 3pm CET | 9am Lima | 10am Bolivia | 11am Brazil
Organisers: RJFLAC, Latindadd
Language: ES, EN, & Portuguese
How to Join 

Se presentarán los vínculos entre Justicia Fiscal, Cuidados y Justicia Climática, analizando algunos casos relacionados con el modelo económico extractivista en América Latina. Los sistemas fiscales vigentes, insuficientes en su recaudación y en su deber de incentivar las actividades social y ambientalmente deseables y desincentivar aquellas consideradas poco deseables. En esta línea, al no garantizar la cobertura de los servicios de cuidado, que afectan principalmente a las mujeres y niñas.

Community Discussion on Tax Justice and the Care Economy
Time: TBC
Organisers: Oriang, Philippines 
Language: Tagalog (Filipino)
How to Join: In person 

A discussion with Oriang members from the community to discuss tax and gender justice in the care economy as well as the outcome of the CSW69.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Close of the 2025 Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights

Time: 1 – 2pm GMT | 9 – 10pm PHT | 4 – 5pm EAT | 8 – 9am PET
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Tax and Gender Working Group
Language: EN, FR, and ES translations available
How to join: (online)

To close off the GDOA on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2025, the members of the GATJ’s Tax and Gender Working Group will share highlights of the campaign actions, reflect on the CSW69 outcomes and discuss a pathway forward.


About the campaign

The GDOA on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights is a joint initiative of GATJ’s regional networks – Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia (TAFJA), Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (RJFALC), Tax Justice-Europe (TJ-E), FACT Coalition and Canadians for Tax Fairness (C4TF) – and Tax and Gender Working Group. The campaign aims to raise the visibility of tax issues affecting women worldwide; and integrate tax justice as part of the broader struggles for gender equality and women’s rights. 

This year, the GDOA will focus on the call for the urgent adoption of progressive tax policies as critical instruments for supporting the rebuilding the social organisation of care. This will be achieved through coordinated actions at global, regional, and national levels, leveraging the collective power of feminist movements and the tax justice community. For more information about the campaign, read the concept note available in EnglishSpanish, and French

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]!