Happy International Women’s Day wrapup







Today, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice launched the #TaxJustice for #WomensRights campaign. We are amazed by the scale of response from around the world! Dear tax justice and women’s rights champions, please help us share widely these amazing actions below, continue sending us details of your mobilizations and, most of all, keep celebrating Women’s Rights through #TaxJustice and Solidarity!

Every tweet you make with #taxjustice will be shown on the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Tax Justice for Women’s Rights Campaign page – which is packed full of all the great resources to support and inspire your actions.

While the Government of Ecuador’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs says it stands against #taxhaven abuse and for #TaxJustice and #WomensRights on #IWD2017 and every day!, in Sweden, Forum Syd held a seminar about tax and corporate social responsibility in Sweden and the EU, with policy makers and business leaders attending, making the links to women’s rights, which the European Union’s Science Committee tweeted how much they enjoyed.

Tax Justice Network Africa held a lively Twitter chat on how tax can improve #Women in #Africa’s welfare! ActionAid Ireland is holding a photo exhibition in Filmbase, #Dublin on 8th and 9th March and African & European activists in #Dublin did a photo action.

In Spain, Oxfam Intermon wrote a blog entry inviting people to join the campaign, closed the store from 12 to 12.30 for the #WomensStrike and for #JusticiaFiscal por los #derechosdelasmujeres and many Oxfam chapters in the countries went live with this infographic (in either Spanish or English).

Women in Nigeria,  Vietnam, SloveniaItaly and Senegal all did a photo action to show their demand for tax justice for women’s rights – see the photo guide and template here.

VIDEO – ActionAid shared a 90-second video showing how women take the burden in unpaid care work when there’s not enough tax for public services, such as nursery places.

Friends in Asia-PacificLatin AmericaLatviaPolandNetherlandsZimbabweand Kenya have been sharing our key messages.

GLOBALLY, we have shown our support for the the #WomensStrike, because women take the burden when there’s not enough tax for public services. Retweet us if you agree!

The #TaxJustice for #WomensRights Global Days of Action continue from 8 – 24 March, as governments head to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York. So please keep up the inspiring campaigning, and keep the pressure up with advocacy letter and a twitter message to your Government. If you haven’t shared yet, please let marie@globaltaxjustice.org know your activities during the global days of action.

Don’t forget to use the AMAZING social media assets we have, in English, Spanish, French, German and many languages:





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