#JusticiaFiscal in Spanish and Portuguese – weekly!

n Brazil, the national organizations who champion Tax Justice gather in The Grupo de Trabalho pela Justiça Fiscal. The administration of the network alternates each two years, and is actually handled by the ISP – PSI (Public Services International).

Each week, they screen the media, both conventional and alternative, and select #TaxJustice-related articles.


The clipping, which can be found on REBRIP’s website, includes original pieces, as well as translations of other articles, into Spanish or Portuguese. For instance, As veia abertas da África is the Portuguese translation of an article originally published in Avvenire in Italy. Its title, inspired by Eduardo Galeano’s famous pamphlet Las venas abiertas de América Latina (Open Veins of Latin America, 1971), introduces Global Justice Now’s report Honest Accounts 2017 and denounces how, through Illicit Financial Flows, “Africa gives more wealth to the world than it receives”.