Call for abstracts for African #TaxJustice researchers







Two “Call for Abstracts” were just published, that might be of interest for all #TaxJustice champions!

  • The 2018 Zambia Alternative Mining Indaba will be held from 19-21 June 2018, under the theme “Our Natural Resources, Our Future! Extraction for All, Putting Local Communities First”.
  • The ZAMI team is inviting the submission of abstracts of not more than 1000 words that respond to the theme. The deadline of submission is 5th May, 2018. The selected papers and their policy recommendations will form the basis of discussions at the ZAMI.
  • Kindly send your abstracts to the Zambia Publish What You Pay Secretariat copying Mtwalo Msoni, National Coordinator of the PWYP Zambia.
  • The Sixth Congress of African Economists is also calling on “African economists, residents of the mainland and those of the Diaspora” to submit their articles on the theme “Winning the Fight against Corruption: A sustainable path for Africa’s Transformation”, “with an interest in finding optimal solutions to the economic problems of Africa”. Below are the sub-themes listed by the organizers:
  1. Understanding structural transformation in Africa (drivers, dynamics, comparative analyses etc.)
  2. Build strong institutions for structural transformation in Africa;
  3. Informality, rural-urban migration, labour markets and Structural Transformation in Africa;
  4. The role of agricultural development policies in promoting Africa’s Structural Transformation;
  5. Industrial policies for Africa’s Structural Transformation: challenges and emerging solutions;
  6. Financing the Africa’s Structural Transformation: domestic resource mobilization, Illicit Financial Flows, Public finance management and corruption;
  7. Policies and incentives to support entrepreneurship and innovation for Africa’s development;
  8. Policies and incentives to support entrepreneurship and innovation for Africa’s development;
  9. Governance, growth and development in Africa;
  10. Youth and governance;
  11. Social policies for structural transformation in Africa;
  12. Governance, productivity and structural transformation;
  13. Regional integration policies and globalization to accelerate structural transformation in Africa;
  14. Effective public policies (financial, monetary and fiscal) for structural transformation in Africa;
  15. Evaluation of public policies in Africa: key to new governance;
  16. State of public policy in Africa: how to make progress?
  17. Public policies as tools to eradicate inequality, poverty and unemployment;
  18. Regional public policies: a new dynamic for creating growth and jobs for young people;
  19. Policy coherence for Africa’s structural transformation
  20. Kindky send your articles (accompanied by a summary not exceeding 500 words), at the latest on 30 June 2018, to Dr. Ligane Massamba Sène and Ms. Djeinaba Kane, specifying the sub-theme that most closely matches your paper when submitting. All manuscripts are reviewed and evaluated on content, language and presentation.
  21. The date and location of the Sixth Congress of African Economists will be announced here.
  22. Picture @anomaly
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