Canada: Platform for Tax Fairness ahead of federal election







With the 2019 federal election planned for October 21st, Canadians for Tax Fairness  (C4TF) released in August its recommendations on how parties can include tax fairness measures in their election platforms. Canadians for Tax Fairness  (C4TF), the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s network member in Canada, is a broad coalition of economists, researchers and social justice advocates drawn from civil society groups, who represent faith, labour, international development and community organizations, as well as academia and law.

C4TF’s Platform for Tax Fairnessa comprehensive plan, “outlines how the federal government can restore equality, strengthen the economy and pay for important public services”. “We’ll be highlighting some of these recommendations in the coming months, C4TF says, as we advocate for tax fairness to be an important issue in the coming federal election–and beyond”.


“Canada, the platform introduces, needs substantive progressive tax reform, not only to generate additional revenues to pay for public services, but also to reverse growing inequalities and to strengthen our economy”.

The platform for Tax Fairness details proposals in four different areas:

  • A. Ensure corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share by closing regressive tax loopholes and making taxes more progressive
  • B. Tackle international tax evasion, avoidance and tax havens
  • C. Improve corporate transparency
  • D. Combat climate change and support sustainable development


The fair tax plan outlined by Canadians for Tax Fairness “could generate over $40billion annually in additional revenues for the federal government (as well as additional revenues for provincial governments), which could, for example, easily fund”:

  • Affordable childcare for all plan
  • A national universal pharmacare for all plan
  • Free university and college tuition for all Canadians.
  • Elements of a “green new deal”.

The platform is also available in French (Programme en matière de fiscalité équitablehere.

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