Kenya: Taxpayers Mobilised to Make Taxes Work for Women!

In Kisumu, Kenya, the National Taxpayers Association (NTA) interviewed women working in the informal sector to get their view on tax inequalities and unpaid care work among women and how they impact on their personal growth. NTA produced videos, targeting women involved in agriculture with specific interest in fishing and tax burdens imposed to them by the County.

Those videos, and many more creative infographics, were then used for a social media campaign which included two tweet chats on the theme “Make taxes work for women”:
The first tweet chat, on 12th March, aimed at creating awareness on the global commitments which include the Beijing conference, Addis Ababa Action Agenda for financing and the CEDAW.
The second tweet chat, on 19th March, contextualized global commitments made by countries. On Twitter, NTA and partners tracked milestones achieved by the Kenyan government with regards to promoting gender equality, the challenges and recommendations on what more should be done to enhance gender equality with keen interest on gender and tax issues. The hashtags used were: #MakeTaxesWorkForWomen #TaxJusticeForWomensRights. Partners included Tax Justice Africa, GATJ, Oxfam Kenya,  Femnet, Kefeado and Transparency International Kenya.

NTA also organized a march with partners and women groups to advocate for “fair tax systems that favor women economic growth and the implementation of commitments”.

Together, they submitted an advocacy paper with asks to the National government and County government of Kisumu aligned to the campaign theme. “All these activities targeted policy makers with an aim of promoting fair gender tax policies to advocate for women’s rights, not only in Kenya but also globally”, NTA notes.