MAR 15 2017
8:30AM - 10:00AM

Policy panel event: Violence against women and women’s economic inequality





Join ActionAid, AWID and FEMNET at our panel event at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) in New York, launching ActionAid’s latest report ‘Double jeopardy: Violence against women and economic inequality’.

A light breakfast and networking opportunities will be provided afterwards.

You can reserve a place here.


ActionAid’slatest report ‘Double jeopardy: Violence against women and economic inequality‘ draws on research from Uganda, Cambodia, India and Brazil. This report highlights the way that women and girls are oppressed and exploited – including for economic gain – through the patriarchal structures and systems that permeate the modern global economy. 

The report shows how the violence and economic exploitation women and girls face in society are intrinsically linked as a perpetual reinforcing cycle. This situation has not come about by accident, but is a product of conscious policy choices to advance favoured economic development strategies. 

Our panel of speakers will draw from the report and their professional and personal experiences to highlight how dominant global macroeconomic structures exploit and perpetuate women’s economic inequality and increase women’s exposure to violence. They will also discuss key strategies and opportunities for ending VAWG and transforming our economies so they work for women and girls.




  • Ana Inés Abelenda – Economic Justice Coordinator, AWID
  • Baishali Chatterjee – International Project Manager, ActionAid International
  • Christina Kwangwari, International Project Manager: Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER), ActionAid International
  • Dinah Musindarwezo – Director, FEMNET 
  • Erin Kenny – Gender-based Violence Specialist, UNFPA 
  • Professor Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat – Professor of Political Science, University of Connecticut


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