4 – G77 and China say: Establish a UN Global Tax Body

Your hard work is paying off. The Global Week of Action to #EndTaxHavens, 1-7 April 2017, ended with countries taking a significant step forward for a UN Global Tax Body.

In a united statement, the G77 and China called for the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters to be upgraded to an intergovernmental UN Global Tax Body. This concluded the ECOSOC Special meeting on international cooperation in tax matters on late Friday, 7 April, at the United Nations in New York.

Ecuador is leader of the G77 this year. Ecuador’s Representative M. Carola Iñiguez presented the statement on behalf of the G77 and China. South Africa, India, Brazil, Caricom, Paraguay, Angola and Egypt also spoke in strong support.

India’s UN Permanent Mission First Secretary Ashish Sinha said, “India is of the consistent view that the Committee should be upgraded into an intergovernmental body. This would be very crucial for the effective implementation of the 2030 agenda.

“Universal membership is essential for more effective implementation of tax standards and norms than the present system that is perceived as skewed in favour of those who make the rules. India believes that implementation of a truly universal agenda would need a platform where all countries have equal voice on the issues related to international taxation. The UN is the only forum which can provide this platform for open, transparent and inclusive processes to safeguard the interest of all its members.

“It is ironic that on one hand the ‘resource mobilisation through tax’ is considered the most important element in Financing for Development whereas on the other there is a continued resistance in equitable sharing of tax revenue on cross-border transactions.”

At the same time, countries called for increased funding for the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters.

Watch the statements on the UN Web TV online at this link , starting at 2:22:47 (choose language).

Statement of the G77 and China – 7 Apr 2017 (in EN and ES)

Statement of India – 7 Apr 2017

Side event presentation by GATJ – 6 Apr 2017


*The G77 today represents 134 countries; the G20 represents 19 countries plus the European Union.