Call for Contributions: Report of the UN Independent Expert on Debt and Austerity







The impact of economic reform policies on women’s human rights

For his next thematic report to the UN General Assembly, 73rd session (2018), the Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights will focus on the links and the impact of economic reforms and austerity measures on women’s human rights.

  1. Background

Human Rights Council resolution 34/3 (2017) requested the Independent Expert to develop guiding principles for human rights impact assessments for economic reform policies, in consultation with States, international financial institutions and other relevant stakeholders.

In line with his 2017 thematic report on structural adjustment and labour rights (A/HRC/34/57), the Independent Expert has prepared a first report to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/37/54) in which he describes the evolution in structural adjustment responses to financial crises and mitigation of adverse social impact and explains how structural adjustment programmes affect human rights. He argues that, for both economic and legal reasons, economic reform programmes must be inclusive and advance human rights for which a set of guiding principles can make a positive difference.

In the course of his research, and in the context of the expert consultations that the Independent Expert has undertaken, he has decided to deepen his research by analysing the particular ways in which austerity measures, structural adjustment, fiscal consolidation and in general economic reform programmes have had a disproportionate impact on the life of women of all ages and what to do to address the negative impacts. Information and analysis of recent years continues to indicate a lack of a gender perspective in the development of economic and macroeconomic policy, as well as in its monitoring and implementation.

  1. Call for contributions

States, international financial institutions, civil society, academia, trade unions and other relevant stakeholders are kindly invited to share with the Independent Expert information, documents, case studies or analysis by 5 March 2018. Due to limited capacity for translation, it is kindly requested that responses be submitted, if possible, in English, Spanish or French. All responses will be posted on the official webpage of the Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights, unless it is indicated that the submission and/or the supporting documentation should be kept confidential.

Please keep responses to a maximum of 5 pages (or 3,000 words), and provide links to information or documents when available. Preferably sent via email to:, copying For any question, please send an email to

Questionnaire in English
Questionnaire in Spanish
Questionnaire in French


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