Today marks the one year anniversary of the Panama Papers publication. While activists around the world questioned their governments about “what had been done?”, a number of opinion editorials and blogs have been published within our Global Week of Actions to #EndTaxHavens:
- Honduras : Warning: Honduras is about to become a tax haven, by Ismael Zepeda, Economist and researcher at Foro Social de Deuda Externa y Desarrollo de Honduras (FOSDEH).
- European Union:
- Why the Panama Papers’ birthday is no cause for celebration by Tove Maria Ryding of Eurodad, and Chair, GATJ Campaign & Policy Group
- One year after the Panama Papers, the EU’s drive for increased financial transparency risks falling short, by Eurodad’s Policy and Advocacy Officer Jasper de Meyer.
- Burundi: CIDEP’s Appolinaire Nishirimbere featured this article in his blog The Burundian Semaine mondiale dédiée à l’action pour mettre fin aux paradis fiscaux
- Québec: Paradis fiscaux, une lutte à poursuivre a blog published in Huffington Post by ATTAC Québec’s President Claude Vaillancourt.
- Spain:
- En lucha contra los paraísos fiscales: del periodismo a la calle by Ana Sagaseta Almazán of Oxfam Intermon and a member of the Platform for Fiscal Justice in Madrid
- Vacaciones pagadas en la guarida del lobo fiscal by Jonás Candalija in La Voz de Galicia.
- The op-ed Guaridas piratas by UGT International Policy Secretary Jesús Gallego García was published in the Spanish newspaper El Diario, along with Guaridas fiscales: sin tretas no hay paraíso from Oxfam’s (des)igualdad blog.
- Sí se puede actuar contra los paraísos fiscales, by Xavier Caño Tamayo, from ATTAC Madrid, on ATTAC España’s website.
- Expulsados del paraíso (fiscal), by Miguel Alba, from Oxfam Intermón and Spanish Platform for Tax Justice, also in El Diario’s blog (des)igualdad.
- Catalunya: Inferns fiscals an opinion editorial (Catalan) by David Fernàndez.
- La fiscalidad es el eje fundamental para desarrollar las políticas sociales by the Unión General de Trabajadores.
- France: Un an après les « Panama Papers » : « Comment se fait-il que les systèmes fiscaux deviennent de plus en plus régressifs ? » an opinion editorial in Le Monde.
- USA:
- One Year After Panama, Some Progress, More Must Be Done to End Anonymous Companies by Gary Kalman, FACT Coalition/GATJ North America network.
- FACT Coalition’s publication “New Bills Take Aim at Offshore Tax Haven Abuse” welcomes the introduction of new legislative measures in the US.
- Norway: Tax Justice Network – Norway’s op-ed was printed in Aftenposten – the newspaper that broke the Panama Papers in Norway Ett år er gått siden gigantlekkasjen. Var det bare et blaff? Panama-papirene må tvinge politikerne til handling
- UK:
- One year on from the Panama Papers: how well is the UK tackling tax avoidance? by Oli Pearce, Policy Manager at Oxfam GB
- Christian Aid Acting Senior UK Political Adviser Simon Kirkland published A Year On From The Panama Papers – When Will We See Real Transparency On Tax? in the Huffington Post.
- Austria: ATTAC Austria’s Panama is still everywhere was covered in the Austrian daily newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung (online and print version). See also the press release here.
- Italy: Oxfam Italia’s crew complemented their blog on Italian Press Agency AGI and online petition to end tax havens, engaging Italian Parliamentarians and tagging them in a series of tweets calling for public registers of beneficial ownership.
- Latin America: The Paguen lo Justo campaign, of Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s regional network member Red de Justicia Fiscal, co-edits “Tax hideaways, how much longer?”, issue No. 522 of América Latina en Movimiento magazine (March 2017).
- Sweden : ”Dags för Sverige och EU att stoppa skatteflykten” an opinion editorial by Diakonia and Fair Finance Guide Sweden, in Svenska Dagladet.
- Ireland: Global tax system still defective a year after Panama Papers in the Irish Times, by Sorley McCaughey, head of advocacy and policy at Christian Aid Ireland.
- Brazil: INESC published a comprehensive article combining videos, facts, figures and a to-do list to find out “What can be done against Tax Havens”.