#FeminomicsZW teach-ins in Zimbabwe to Domesticate Taxes Issues







In Zimbabwe, ZIMCODD launched the #FeminomicsZW Campaign, “domesticating the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s campaign to Make Taxes Work for Women”. The campaign, run in collaboration with the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe members, drew from the contemporary discourse that for economic advancement to be far reaching, women economic empowerment must be at the centre of it. The Campaign sought to deconstruct and reconstruct the women’s contribution in the economy either in the “care work” or informal economy.
During the launch, ZIMCODD carried out teach ins on feminist economics in 3 areas and one big policy dialogue on feminist economics. The major topics for discussion were focused on demystifying the whole “care work” that women have for many years been participating in.

ZIMCODD’s monthly show The National Purse was dedicated to Gender-Responsive Budgeting on march 11th:


Short video clips speaking against gender inequality were recorded and shared on social media, as well as tweets and Facebook posts and photos circulated to challenge stereotypes against women and advocating for gender equality. The #EachforEqual, #IWD2020 and #FeminomicsZW #MakeTaxesWorkForWomen hashtags accompanied the posts.

This initial initiative will lead to an ongoing campaign that will operationalize the ZIMCODD feminist approach for its 2020-2023 strategy.


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