“FfD: Time for the UN to Take Centre Stage Again”







As the next annual UN FfD Forum will take place in April 2018, Eurodad (the European Network on Debt and Development) issued a position paper last December, titled “What can be achieved at the 2018 FfD Forum?”.

The Addis Ababa Agenda for Action (AAAA), agreed in 2015, was “supposed to provide the framework for how the world would finance the Sustainable Development Goals”, as Eurodad explains. “Additionally, through the Paris Climate Agreement, governments have committed to strengthening the global response to climate change. However, it is now clear that current policies are not delivering the economic step-change needed if we are to achieve the SDGs”. 

The United Nations Financing for Development (FfD), Eurodad explains, is “a key space for UN member governments to draw conclusions and agree further actions to reform the global financial and economic system in order to meet the ambition of the SDGs”.

This paper sets out Eurodad’s position on current FfD challenges, proposes a limited number of concrete reforms, and suggests key tests that the 2018 Forum must meet if it is to be regarded a success.

Eurodad’s Director Jesse Griffiths just wrote a blog setting out how to revitalise the Financing for Development Process – to give a basic summary of the position paper – in Triple Crisis.

“Given the slow rate of reform since Addis, Griffiths says, it is clear that global leaders need to work towards a major new set of concrete actions on Financing for Development.”


Make sure to read one or the other ahead of April’s meetings!

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