The Global Alliance for Tax Justice is proud to be a new partner in the Fight Inequality Alliance, and all the alliance partners are delighted that our first global week of action to fight inequality has begun on the eve of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Here’s a blog from Jenny Ricks, convenor of the Fight Inequality Alliance, with her thoughts on the week and what it means. “Time to disrupt the cosy Davos conversations!”
“It was incredibly inspiring, she adds, to see the action and conversation begin to unfold over the weekend. We know of activity planned in Philippines, Nepal, Malawi, Zambia, Brussels, Denmark, Nepal, Netherlands, Germany, Ghana, Liberia, Bolivia, Tunisia, South Africa, Australia, Cambodia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Spain, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Nigeria, Mali, Uganda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Norway. News is coming in from countries all time about plans.
Oxfam’s report today has also generated great media coverage showing how 8 men now own the same wealth as the poorest 3.6bn people on the planet. The report, published in several languages, shows again the inequality crisis in a sharp light, and makes our role in defining and building collective power to achieve real solutions ever more crucial. ActionAid’s new report highlighting how women in different countries experience inequality and how they are fighting it gives us fuel for the way forward.
“Please do all you can this week, Ricks calls, to engage and mobilise over the coming days – we have exciting plans to get involved in and I’m so proud of all the hard work people have put in to making this a success. We will keep you updated with the highlights for inspiration”.