GATJ Joins the CS FfD Mechanism at UNGA78


15 Sep 2023



15 Sep 2023


Next week, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) will join other members of the Civil Society Financing for Development (CS FfD) Mechanism at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78), which will take place in New York (United States of America). This is an opportunity to collectively address critical global challenges, as the UNGA78 offers a platform for global collaboration toward coherent, rights-based, interconnected recommendations on global economic governance and the systemic and historical inequalities that define it.

Check out the activities of the CS FfD Mechanism and join the discussions and actions:


16 September – SDG Action Weekend

Dereje Alemayehu, executive coordinator of GATJ, will deliver a speech on behalf of the CS FfD Mechanism during a session organised by the Major Group and other Stakeholders Coordination Mechanism (MGoS CM) under the title “Breaking down the barriers to leave no one behind”. The session will be held from 12:00 – 14:00 NY time, at Conference Room 4 in the UN headquarters. 


17 and 18 September – Global People’s Assembly (GPA)

The 2023 Global People’s Assembly will be conducted in a hybrid format, combining both online and in-person components, and will take place at the UN Church Center. The CS FfD Mechanism is organising two sessions: 

17 September – 11:15 – 12:45 NY time
Which Financial Architecture for Economic Justice?

This session is being organised together with the support and co-facilitation of: GATJ, Tax Justice Network Africa, Afrodad, APMDD, Eurodad, Financial Transparency Coalition, GPF, IBON International, Latindadd, Society for International Development. It will delve into crucial discussions surrounding financial architecture and its implications for economic justice. Online participation is available through this link:

18 September – 09:00 – 11:00 NY time
Feminist Economy

The session is being co-organised by the CS FfD Mechanism and the Women’s Major Group, and will feature speakers Chenai Mukumba (TJNA) and Jennifer del Rosario-Malonzo (IBON International). Join us as we explore the intersections of gender equality and economic systems during this important discussion. Online participation is available through this link:


20 September – High-Level Dialogue (HLD) on Financing for Development (FfD)

The CS FfD Mechanism will have four speakers representing our collective position at the HLD on FfD. It will be live streamed on the UN Web TV

  • 9:30 – 11:15 NY time – Segment 1: Fostering debt sustainability and strengthening the global financial safety net
    Carola Mejia (Latindadd) as one of the key respondents
  • 11:15 – 13:00 NY time – Segment 2: Promoting inclusive and effective international tax cooperation and mobilising domestic resources
    Chenai Mukumba (TJNA) as one of the key respondents
  • 15:00 – 16:20 NY time – Segment 1: Innovative approaches and partnerships to boost private finance for the SDGs
    Jennifer Malonzo (IBON International) as one of the key respondents
  • 16:20 – 17:45 NY time – Segment 2: Scaling up affordable and accessible international public financing for sustainable development and ensuring efficiency
    Richard Ssewakiryanga (CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness) as one of the key respondents
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