GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023: Campaign Programme


1 Mar 2023



1 Mar 2023


Vea la programación en español

During the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023, which will take place from 6 to 17 March, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), regional networks and partner organisations will engage in virtual, hybrid and in-person events. We welcome you to register and engage with all the events on the campaign programme.

GATJ will update the programme in the coming days. Stay tuned!


Monday, 6 March 2023

Campaign launch event – GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023
Time: 2-3pm CET
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe, Tax Justice Network Africa, Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia, Canadians for Tax Fairness, FACT Coalition, and Tax Justice-Europe
How to join: 

The GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights will start with an online event gathering representatives from the GATJ’s regional networks. Speakers will bring perspectives about the impact of fiscal policies on women in their continents, and share how wealth taxes could advance gender equality.


Parallel event at the UNCSW67: Digital Frontiers for Feminist Tax Justice
Time: 8.30pm CET
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice, SEATINI Uganda, Latindadd, Tax Justice Network Africa, Tax Justice Network, Public Services International, Akina Mama wa Afrika, Nawi – Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective, ActionAid International, Christian Aid, Center for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
How to join:

Panellists will critically examine the possibilities that digital services taxes and the advancing digitalisation within tax authorities offer for stronger representation and increased revenue as two pivotal elements of  tax justice for women’s rights. They will also expound on the feminist dimensions of the current debates around addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy, focusing on the global tax deal advanced by the OECD and the proposals to shift international tax reform negotiations to the UN.


Tuesday, 7 March 2023

People’s Recovery or Austerity: Alternatives for a People-centred and Southern-led Recovery
Time: 2pm UTC | 3pm CET
Organisers: Financial Transparency Coalition
How to join:

This event aims to create space for a discussion to take stock of the regression in terms of women’s rights and gender justice during the pandemic, and to propose alternatives, highlighting the ways in which the tax justice agenda can be articulated into a broader push back against austerity and for a green and just recovery.


Fiscal activity for equality
Time: 12 am CET | 8 pm Brasília
Organisers: Oxfam LAC and Oxfam Brazil
How to join: Virtual – live on Oxfam networks

This event aims to broaden the discussion on a transformative fiscal pact from a gender and intersectoral perspective in Brazil.


Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Photo action for the International Women’s Day
Time: All day
Organisers: GATJ and regional networks
How to join: Twitter

Throughout the day on International Women’s Day (IWD), we invite all to join our regional members TAFJA (Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia) and APMDD (Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development) in  a photo action. You only have to post a selfie with a raised fist, bringing your call for tax justice for women’s rights and the hashtags #MakeTaxesWorkForWomen & #8M.


Current taxes burdening women
Time: 6am CET
Organisers: Village Development Organization & Indus Consortium
How to join: In-person event; Ghotki, Pakistan

The Pakistan government has approved a new tax on electricity to meet IMF conditions and this will adversely affect women domestically. Thus this event will serve as a discussion on these and related areas of taxation that are directly affecting women to develop a narrative and feed towards gender just policy changes.


Empowering women in Ghana to take control of their lives through vaccination against cervical cancer-the role of taxes
Time: 9am CET
Organisers:  Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA)
How to join: In person

This event seeks to highlight the role of government involvement through domestic resource mobilisation, to support vulnerable and women from poor communities, to vaccinate against cervical cancer.


Time: 8am CET
Organisers: Young Women’s Leadership Institute
How to join: on Twitter @ywli_info

YWLI intends to hold a campaign on twitter chat on 8th March 2023 dubbed #TaxJusticeKe campaign which aims to create awareness of the need to make taxes work for women and to bring to light how the Kenyan tax system works against women. The #TaxJustcieKe campaign also intends to disseminate information on different taxes women pay and their contribution to the national GDP. 


Voice of women on taxes
Time: 10am CET
Organisers: Every Child Is Your Child
How to join: In person

Capacity building workshop in which women will be guided through on which tools, resources, methodologies they can use to put their voices across in the fight for a just world for women.It is organised with the realisation that there are a lot of cross cutting inequalities amongst women which need to be addressed.


Thursday, 9 March 2023

Gendered impact of austerity policies on education women
Time: 2pm CET
Organisers: ActionAid international, TaxEd Alliance, GATJ
How to join:

This panel will focus on the gendered impact of austerity policies on education drawing on recent research ‘Public vs Austerity’, ‘Education vs Austerity’ and the ‘Care Contradiction’, and how the Transforming Education Summit Call to Action on Finance offers an alternative through bold national and international action on tax. As such, this panel will be exploring solutions based on Feminist Taxation and Gender Responsive Public Services to counter the effects of debt and austerity.


Friday, 10 March 2023

Justice fiscale pour les droits des femmes
Time: 10.30am CET
Organisers: Action for Integral and Inclusive Development
How to join:

This initiative aims to raise awareness of the issue of tax justice for women’s rights and encourage people to take action on social networks.


A well-designed progressive income tax can boost the employment of low-income women
Time: 1pm CET
Organisers: Kapiri community development organisation
How to join: 

The activity will engage activists and tax justice advocates in reviewing current tax policies and their impact on the well being of women; especially those living in rural areas.


Advancing the Fight for Gender Justice through Tax Justice: Perspectives from Africa and the U.S.
Time: 5pm CET
Organisers: FACT Coalition, Global Alliance for Tax Justice, and Nawi-Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective
How to join: Hybrid

This event will highlight the growing efforts in Africa to analyse and tackle the macroeconomic systems which discriminate against women as well as the reform campaigns designed to support the realisation of women’s rights and promote gender equality. We will also discuss the ways in which U.S. policies can support or undermine these efforts and the steps that can be taken to advance women’s rights and tax justice in the U.S.


Saturday 11 March 2023

Women Entrepreneurs Convening: Leveraging digital platforms and solutions for the growth and competitiveness of women and youth led businesses
Time: 8am CET
Organisers: SEATINI Uganda, Institute for Social Transformation , Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women, ActionAid Uganda
How to join: Twitter @SEATINIUGANDA

Women and Youth Entrepreneurs’ Convening on leveraging digital platforms/solutions for the growth and competitiveness of women and youth-led businesses.


Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Dialogue on the Gendered Aspects of Wealth Tax
Time: 11am CET
Organisers: Society of Women in Taxation Nigeria
How to join: Hybrid

This event seeks to provide clarity on the concept of wealth taxation in the context of Nigeria, develop a shared understanding of the status of wealth taxation in Nigeria including the challenges and implications for equity and gender equality as well as identify policy opportunities to introduce/implement wealth taxation in Nigeria.


Tax justice for Colombian women’s rights
Time: 2pm CET
Organisers: National Committee of Women – PSI Colombia
How to join:

This event seeks to deepen the concept of tax justice and tax protection for women.


Feminist Analysis of Malawi’s Tax environment and the impact on the Lives of Young Women in Malawi
Time: 4pm CET
Organisers: Feminist Macroeconomics Alliance Malawi
How to join: 

The presentation builds on the Alliance’s presentations and contributions during the IMF Spring meetings in early and late 2022. It presents the impact of Malawi’s tax policies on young women’s daily lives; specifically speaking to the link to young women’s bodily autonomy (for example, removing tax on menstrual hygiene products etc.), and outline the link to the ongoing cost of living crisis, and will be a platform to advocate and raise awareness on progressive taxation as a feminist alternative; written by Young women sharing lived experiences.


Tax justice for women’s rights
Time: 6 pm Buenos Aires / 10pm CET
Organisers: Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe and Fundación SES
How to join:

An online event to discuss the implications of a tax system that responds to the numerous demands that have arisen from the feminist movement


Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Twitter chat
Time: 10am and 4pm CET
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice
How to join: Twitter @GA4TJ

As part of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) invites member and partner organisations, activists, academics and individuals working across the gender justice and economic justice spectrum to engage in this Twitter chat where questions around tax justice will be posed and discussed. 


Towards a Global Feminist Ecological Taxation
Time: 12.30pm CET
Organisers: Campaign of Campaigns, Equidad de género, ciudadanía, trabajo y familia
How to join: Virtual

This webinar seeks to bring together experts in taxation to discuss progressive proposals to guarantee women’s rights and tackle the ecological emergency. This conversation aims to contribute to the collective construction of how a feminist ecological taxation can be applied, integrating in the discussion different proposals such as capping material resource extraction and ecological fees.


Women Demand Wealth Tax Immediately
Time: 2pm CET
Organisers: African Regional Center for Endogenous and Community Development (CRADEC)
How to join:

The objective of this event is to discuss the issue of taxation on immediate wealth and its importance in combating economic inequalities, especially for women. It also aims to raise awareness on the issues involved in the distribution of wealth and to encourage citizen action towards tax justice.


Reclaiming Ubuntu: Exploring Feminist Approaches for Tax Justice
Time: 2pm CET
Organisers: Akina Mama Wa Afrika
How to join:

This event will convene African feminists and economic justice thought leaders to explore what feminist tax ought to look like in the African context. The goal is to contribute to the emerging body of knowledge around feminist tax justice and alternative economic frameworks, while exposing the subtle and intricate power relationships embedded in mainstream economic frameworks that we are living by.


Diálogo regional: ¿Qué política fiscal queremos las mujeres?
Time: 10pm CET
Organisers: Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe and Latindadd
How to join:

Online event to explore gender just fiscal policy recommendations with input from Latin America.


Thursday, 16 March 2023

Rural women demanding a fair share of tax
Time: 10am CET
Organisers: Women and Land in Zimbabwe
How to join: Hybrid

The objective of this event is to build voice and agency for rural women who continue to sink into deep poverty because of bad tax regimes and improper use of tax money. The activity will mobilise support from different activists who will help ion amplifying the voices or plight of rural women.


Friday, 17 March 2023

Tax Justification: Reporting to Women
Time: 9.30 am CET
Organisers: African Network of Young Researchers
How to join: In person

This is an initiative for parliamentarians to speak to tax justice for women in Côte d’Ivoire. 


Final gathering
Time: 10 am CET
Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice
How to join:

To close off the GDOA on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023, the members of the GATJ’s Tax and Gender Working Group will share highlights of the campaign actions, reflect on the CSW67 outcomes and launch a position paper on Digital Frontiers for Feminist Tax Justice.

Interesting Articles to Read

9 July 2024
Press Release: 200+ Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions Submit Joint Comments on the Zero Draft ToR
3 July 2024
Communiqué: UN Tax Convention Now! Rewrite the Global Tax Rules to Work for People and the Planet
1 July 2024
Letter: 200+ CSOs and Trade Unions Submit Comments on the UN Tax Convention Zero Draft Terms of Reference
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