How Africans are robbed of benefits of mineral wealth







Pambazuka News has published an important article authored by Kwesi W. Obeng of Tax Justice Network-Africa about how African people are losing out on mineral wealth across the continent.

“Africa has not benefited substantially from its mineral wealth. It is, therefore, essential for resource-rich nations to tailor their economic policies to effectively harness and utilise mineral revenues to improve the productivity of non-mineral sectors to break out of the extractive enclave.”

Read the full article here.Pambazuka News has published an important article authored by Kwesi W. Obeng of Tax Justice Network-Africa about how African people are losing out on mineral wealth across the continent.

“Africa has not benefited substantially from its mineral wealth. It is, therefore, essential for resource-rich nations to tailor their economic policies to effectively harness and utilise mineral revenues to improve the productivity of non-mineral sectors to break out of the extractive enclave.”

Read the full article here. 

Photo: Arne Wilson

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