In Bangladesh, a human chain to “Count Women Household Work in GDP”







As a part of Global Days of Action #TaxJustice for #WomensRights, 22 civil society and human rights groups in Bangladesh organized a rally and a human chain in front of the National Press Club Dhaka on March18th. The main theme of the rally was to ask the government to “Count Women Household Work in GDP”.


As a part of Global Days of Action #TaxJustice for #WomensRights, 22 civil society and human rights groups in Bangladesh organized a rally and a human chain in front of the National Press Club Dhaka on March18th. The main theme of the rally was to ask the government to “Count Women Household Work in GDP”.

The event reached a great media coverage, in publications such as The Finance TodayDhaka TribuneThe Daily ObserverThe New Nation, etc.

For more information, you can visit

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