“OECD’s double standards on taxation in Africa”

Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Coordination Committee chair Dereje Alemayehu published an article in the German publication DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION (D+C) in December, titled “Double standards”.

The bilingual publication (German & English) focuses on “Tax disputes” and features 8 articles by Karim Okanla, Mike Moore, Nico Beckert, Tobias Hauschild, Stefanie Rauscher and Shikha Jha.

In regard to government revenues in Africa, Alemayehu says, OECD members are guilty of double standards”. “African countries tend to collect only a small share of gross domestic product (GDP) as taxes. Accordingly, government revenues are low. Stronger domestic resource mobilisation (DRM) could help to drive development, as OECD governments like to point out. The donor countries, however, bear responsibility for tax dodging, especially by multinational corporations based in their nations”.

Alemayehu also contributed a box titled “Undermining statehood”. “In the past decade, he analyses, donor governments have increasingly been admonishing African countries to improve their domestic   resource mobilisation. What they tend to overlook is that they themselves played a role in reducing government revenues in Africa in the past – and are still doing so today”.

In this same section of the magazine, Catherine Ngina Mutava of Strathmore University in Nairobi takes a close look at treaties that are supposed to prevent double taxation.

You can find both language versions at www.DandC.eu and this particular issue here in English.