Riska Koopman Joins the GATJ Secretariat





The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) welcomes Riska Koopman to the Secretariat. She will take over the leadership of our tax justice for inclusive recovery project as Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator.

Pan-African intersectional feminist activist, Koopman is deeply interested in applying a gender lens to issues of development in the Global South. Having gained extensive knowledge working in the international non-governmental sector, she has over six years experience building, supporting and shaping activists learning and civil society movements in sub-Saharan Africa, mostly focused on the economic and tax justice agenda.

“The pandemic not only deepened already existing inequalities, it illustrated just how unjust and violent the current capitalist system is, especially with those living in poverty. This project challenges the structures that continue to oppress the most vulnerable. It seeks to present alternatives for social change that would bring equality and equity to all”, she said.

“Being part of GATJ, where the tax justice agenda is underpinned by strong feminist principles, is very close to my heart and the ethos by which I live. As we often say, the political is personal and so I am very much privileged to take up this position and pour back into shaping the world I want to see: one where people are at the centre of economic measures; one where the State is capable of providing adequate public services that are essential to ensure human rights”, she concluded.

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