Senegal: 6th International Tax Justice Academy!

Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), the regional network member of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice in Africa organized the 6th annual session of its International Tax Justice Academy (ITJA) in collaboration with Forum Civil, Senegalese chapter of Transparency International, . The Academy was a five-day training to be held from 24th to 28th June 2019 in Dakar, Senegal, bringing together Civil Society Organisations, trade unions and academics under the theme: “Building the next generation of tax justice champions’’.

The International Tax Justice Academy is an annual training programme that TJNA launched in 2014, designed to bridge the knowledge gap on tax justice in Africa and to empower partners across Africa and beyond. The academy also seeks to:

  • Initiate peer learning amongst participants, build alliances and promote engagement of key stakeholders on taxation in Africa and beyond.
  • Highlight and bring forth depth discussions on the Stop The Bleeding Campaign (STB) to raise opportunities of engagement.
  • Increase and support advocacy through data analysis and information sharing.

More than 60 participants took part in the bilingual (French-English) training, coming from over from 23 countries. The speakers at the academy included representatives of TJNA Forum Civil and the Tax Justice Network, as well as academics, members of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) and government representatives.

The academy provided a platform to reflect and strategise on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), tax governance and domestic resource mobilization on the African continent and covered the following topics among others:

Understanding Africa resource scourge:

  • Taxation of the digital economy in the African context
  • Double taxation agreements and impacts revenue generation
  • Tax planning, evasion, avoidance and Regional Integration

Closing the floodgates:

  • Africa Mining Vision: Harnessing Africa’s Mineral Wealth for Africa’s Development
  • Developing and implementing a tax advocacy strategy

At the end of the training participants expressed their “motivation to be the next generation of tax justice champions in their corner of the universe” and “to take up the learnings thereof”.

You can watch some sessions, hear some participants’ feedback and revive some of the Academy’s best moments on TJNA’s Youtube channel!