Tax Justice at the 16th AWID international forum







Representatives for the Global Alliance for Tax Justice will convene in Brazil this week, at the 13th International Forum organized by the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID).

Several events and conversations will address tax justice issues, among which :

Tax Justice and Women’s Unpaid Care Labor

2:30 PM–4:00 PM 10 September, 2016

Room: Ala Terra – Capitania Ilheus

Description :

This session aims to discuss gender biases in tax systems caused by the fact that women’s care labor remain undervalued. The failure to regard women’s work as “income in kind” has only allowed capitalists to gain tax benefits and deprive women of what they truly need.

[Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development]

Presented by: Mary Claire Miranda, Puspa Dewy, Ana Mae Buenaventura-Dolleton, Sujita Shakya

Interpretation Languages: English, Português, español 


Trading Away Feminist Futures-A Critique of Unfair, Corporatised Trade,Finance,Aid and Development Practices

11:30 AM–1:00 PM 8 September, 2016

Room: Ala Mar-Porto Seguro 1-3


Feminists are working in a historical moment of complex and co-opted development, including unprecedented privatisation of development finance. This exacerbates negative impacts on SRHR, WHR, the global development partnership,FfD and climate justice etc.By September 2016 there is a need for strategic updates on key developments and collaborative feminist responses.

[Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality; Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG); Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF); Regions Refocus 2015; Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN); Third World Network (TWN); International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC); Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)]

Presented by: Nicole Bidegain, Lice Cokanasiga, Ivy Josiah, Noelene Nabulivou

Interpretation Languages: English, español, français


Making the economy work for women, not vice versa: learning lessons in challenging macro-economic policy for gender justice

4:30 PM–6:00 PM 8 September, 2016

Room: Ala Mar-Porto Seguro 1-3


This engagement session will explore the experiences of women’s rights advocates engaging with macro-economic policy makers. It will offer the audience an opportunity to reflect and strategise on the approaches needed to protect and advance women’s rights in the context of a global economic model which is threatening people and planet.

[Bretton Woods Project and Christian Aid, as members and on behalf of the Gender and Development Network’s Women’s Economic Justice Group]

Presented by: Chiara Capraro, Patricia Miranda Tapia, Dinah Musindarwezo, Anna Tallada

Interpretation Languages: English, español, français


Challenging Corporate Power, Demanding Accountability: Feminist Resistance Struggles and Strategies

4:30 PM–6:00 PM 10 September, 2016

Room: Ala Terra – Bahia 3


What can we do to counter the corporatization of development agendas, institutions and to resist the commodification of livelihoods and the planet? How to bring corporations truly to account for their harmful activities and abuses of human rights and prevent them in first place? A session for knowledge sharing and strategizing.

[AWID, ITUC, Global Policy Forum, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), La Via Campesina]

Presented by: Ana Mae Buenaventura-Dolleton, Barbara Adams, Esperanza Cardona, Maria Tsirantonaki

Interpretation Languages: English, Português, español



You can follow the Forum online, through #FeministFutures and more specifically through #ResistCorporatePower and #FeministEconomy


The program as well as most conversations, are to be available in four languages (at least!)

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