Webinar: Taxation for Redistributive Justice (1 July 2020)







The Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Tax and Gender Working Group and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (WWG on FfD) invite you to the webinar “Taxation for Redistributive justice: solutions for women, the people, and the planet”, which will take place on 1st July 2020, at 9 am (EST).


This online session will focus on macroeconomics to identify alternative tax policies that could lead to more sustained public investment in women, people and the planet during and post the corona crisis period. It will bring together leaders in feminist economics from the Global South, Veronica Serafini (Latindadd), Hoang Phuong Thao (ActionAid Vietnam) and Leah Eryenyu (Akina Mama wa Afrika), and will also feature perspectives from Kate Donald (Center for Economic and Social Rights).


The COVID-19 pandemic is deepening pre-existing inequalities and exposing our governments’ unpreparedness to adequately respond to this unprecedented health and socioeconomic crisis. People in all countries are affected but those in the Global South, especially women and vulnerable groups, are hit harder with the fragilities of our current social, political and economic systems.


As governments impose austerity measures and accommodate corporate demands for tax incentives and subsidies, allegedly to stimulate economic growth, they reinforce income and gender inequality by shifting the tax burden towards those with least economic security. Taxation is the most sustainable source of government revenue, and these policies only deprive our countries from the necessary financial resources to meet all the needs and rights of the citizens. 


Redistributive taxation is about creating a world where fair and transparent tax policies counteract inequalities within and between nations, and generate the public funding needed for quality public services for all. Beyond revenue generation tax policies mitigate the adverse impact of inequality. 


This webinar will be an opportunity to understand the impact of our current global financial architecture in women and vulnerable groups’ lives, as well as discuss ways to strengthen international cooperation on tax and curb illicit financial flows. The speakers will also take the audience through the gender-responsive tax policies that have already been put in place, and share alternative fairer and more transparent policies that can lead us to a gender-just and equitable development.

In order to participate, please register here.



Taxation for Redistributive Justice: Solutions for Women, the People, and the Planet
Date: Wednesday 1st July 2020
Time: 9:00 – 10:30 am (EST)

Veronica Serafini, Economics and Gender Specialist, LATINDADD
Hoang Phuong Thao, Executive Director, ActionAid Vietnam
Leah Eryenyu, Research, Advocacy and Movement Building Manager, Akina Mama wa Afrika 

Kate Donald, Director of the Human Rights in Economic and Social Policy Program, CESR 

Caroline Othim, Campaigns & Policy Coordinator – Africa, Global Alliance for Tax Justice


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