A colourful early start in Kolkata, India







The Global Days of Action to Make Taxes Work for Women start on March 8, for International Women’s Day!

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we are calling on tax justice and women’s rights activists around the globe:

  • to highlight the tax issues affecting women;
  • to ensure that tax justice is embedded in the broader women’s rights agenda;
  • and to build a movement that upholds gender-just, progressive and transformative tax policies.


Our sisters in Kolkata, India started their activities even before: on February 29th, on the 50th anniversary of the National Hawkers Federation, thousands of women took the streets of Kolkata and marched while carrying the demands for #TaxJustice and #WomensRights. The Women’s Rally was led by All India Women Hawkers Federation.

You can follow the #TaxJustice movement in Asia through their Facebook page: Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia.


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