ALAI & Latindadd: “Corporate Tax Fraud”

This December, the Latin American network on debt, development and rights (Latindadd, secretariat of the regional member of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice until this month) and ALAI (Latin America in Motion) magazine have just published a special issue in collaboration, entitled “Corporate tax fraud” (in Spanish).

This issue #530 of the monthly magazine “on current and Latin American thought” states that “the transnational corporate tax fraud relaunched the debate on the historical contradiction of the asymmetric and exploitative relationship of a rich North and a poor South”. This edition addresses various aspects of this problem:

– “From PanamaPapers to ParadisePapers: The faces of corporate tax fraud in the region” by Jorge Coronado, article available online.

– “Colombia: Impact of fraudulent commercial transactions in the treasury”, by the Colombian Tax Justice Network (Red por la Justicia Tributaria en Colombia)

– “Tax evasion: how companies operate in Brazil” by María Regina Paiva Duarte, article available online.

– “Honduras: A Tax Haven?”, by the Latin American #MultinationalsPayYourShare campaign Paguen lo Justo

– “Costa Rica: Corporate Tax Fraud Mechanisms”, by Jorge Coronado

– “Do tax incentives serve our countries?” by Latindadd’s Rodolfo Bejarano

– “The official global agenda against corporate fraud”, by ALAI

– “Our agenda as a social movement” by Latindadd.


You can download the magazine here, contributing to the work of ALAI and Latindadd.