Civil society and IFFs

Within its series of videos about Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), the African Development Bank Group’s (AfDB) just published this series of interviews titled “What role can civil society and the private sector play in fighting corruption and IFFs?”:

The video includes presentations by the African Natural Resources Center, the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Department, the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition as well as Tax Justice Network Africa’s Deputy Executive Director Jason Braganza, who states:

“I think the role of civil society is very broad and important, especially for building capacity and awareness of citizens on IFFs and also working with development partners, private sector, parlamentarians and policy makers, also in supporting the creation of awareness, building capacity of all these different stakeholders, for them to understand the complexity around IFFs. We run programs that support media, parlamentarians, other civil society organizations and citizens’ engagement, on issues of taxation – whether it is evasion or avoidance -, issues on how to develop fair tax systems and how to retain a lot of the tax revenues that are lost through IFFs. So, we have a very crucial role to play in bringing together policy makers, politicians as well as citizens, in making sure that we are able to stop and stem the flight of IFFs”.