Save-the-date: Global Days of Action ‘MAKE TAXES WORK FOR WOMEN!’

Starting from 8th March 2020, the 4th Global Days of Action for Tax Justice for Women’s Rights will run until the 20th of March, under the slogan “MAKE TAXES WORK FOR WOMEN!”
We are planning a vibrant launch on March 8th, The International Women’s Day. Let’s make it global! 

If you have activities planned out for or in the lead up to March 8th or if you need support organizing them, please get in touch with us (See contacts below)!

The 4th Global Days of Action for Tax Justice for Women’s Rights will serve as an opportunity to :

  • highlight the tax issues affecting women;
  • encourage tax justice to be an integral part of struggles for women’s rights;
  • make tax justice more relevant to ordinary people and their families, reflecting the voices of real people ;
  • strengthen and diversify the tax justice movement, by bringing the women’s rights and tax justice movements closer together to link tax justice to the realization of gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. 

To refresh your memories, the activities that were carried out last year, from Argentina to the Philippines, Kenya, the United Nations and more… are on our global campaign page, where you will also find a lot of resources and references for this year!

We highly recommend these issue briefings (in 4 languages) for more information on our demands. We will shortly upload shorter versions of those. You can as well see our 2017 factsheet here.

We will soon share the toolkit with resources and visuals that can be used for the global days of action, let us know if you’d like to receive it!

Brace yourselves, get ready, join us on March 8th and let’s ensure #TaxJustice for #WomensRights together!
Contact us If you would like to join the campaign:
AfricaCynthia Umurungi, Tax Justice Network-Africa
North America, South America, and EuropeMarie Antonelle Joubert, Global Alliance for Tax Justice
AsiaJoy Hernandez, Global Alliance for Tax Justice