Show your support for tax justice for women’s rights!







From Quito, to Bujumbura, to Manila and beyond – diverse organisations are signing on daily to the Bogota Declaration on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights

In just a month, the world has responded impressively to the initial call to sign on the Bogota Declaration, with over 150 signatories to date including the Association for Women’s Rights in Development, DAWN, FEMNET, ATTAC, Public Services International, Tax Justice Network, Center for Economic and Social Rights, CIDSE, Christian Aid, ActionAid, Fight Inequality Alliance, and the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation.

Action for tax justice is urgently needed to end inequality. Please join us! Confirm your organisation’s commitment to fair taxation to realize women’s rights to quality public education, health care including reproductive health, water and sanitation, social protection and security. Your organisation is invited to sign the Bogota Declaration on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights today here.

The Bogota Declaration is an outcome of the first-ever global convening of leading women’s rights advocates and tax justice campaigners held in June 2017 in Bogota, Colombia. The Bogota Declaration on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights sets out shared values, and demands rights for women that can be realised through structural, systemic, cultural and fiscal policy changes.

The Bogota Declaration outlines important steps governments need to take to correct the negative gender effects of all tax, spending, and international laws and policies, and to maximize available resources to invest in quality, gender-responsive public services, the care economy, and social protection. Practical steps include instituting gender-responsive budgeting; raising taxes through progressive tax structures; evaluating tax impacts on the poorest women; reforming the broken global tax system and supporting the establishment of an inclusive intergovernmental UN Global Tax Commission.

Organisations are invited to sign on to the Bogota Declaration here 


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